Welcome to OEB Magnet's New Website!
News & Events
Attend Bear Days to turn in registration forms, purchase PE clothes, get a locker, and much more!
"So be it. See to it."
Octavia E. Butler, class of 1962
Why Octavia E. Butler Magnet?
OEB Magnet offers STEAM-integrated (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) instruction in all classes at all grade leveles.
Academic Language Development
Our Dual Language Spanish Immersion & English Language Development Programs prepare students to be bilingual, biliterate & bicultural citizens of the world.
At OEB Magnet, students will explore, learn, achieve, and grow. Our focus on social emotional learning during daily Advisory classes builds skills for self-awareness & self-advocacy. We also have a team of experts on campus to support students daily.
"The Arts put the A in STEAM!" Elective classes are offered in studio art, band, orchestra, drumline, dance for physical education credit, & musical theater!
OEB Magnet students & families benefit from opportunities, relationships & services from a plethora of Communiy Partners that deliver academic, physical, social-emotional & mental health services, & provide unrivaled extended learning opportunities.