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General Information

New to Octavia E. Butler Magnet? We've listed some FAQ's that many parents have in the beginning.


Q: Is there a map of the school?
A: Yes! See link below. 
Q: When entering the school building, what is the difference between the offices? 
A:  The main office is the first office on the left. This is where you can find our school secretary and our school principal. The 2nd office on left, is the Assistant Principal's office. The Assistant Principal's Administrative Assistant is available at (626.396.5830 ext.76093). Please contact them with any of the following: to make an appointment with the assistant principal, to request a student to leave campus early for appointments, concerns regarding a child’s attendance, updating a student’s contact information, and lockers.
The office on the right is our Registrar. Contact her with your registration, student cumulative records, and diploma questions. (626.396.5830 ext.76092)
 Q: If my child has an excused absence, how do I notify the school?
 A: Contact Carol Gerber (626.396.5830 ext.76093) to report your child's absence.
Q: What is the Parent Center for?
A: The Parent Center serves OEB parents in many ways. ELAC and PTSA meetings take place in the Parent Center. Also held in the Parent Center are weekly and monthly sessions of parent classes and workshops such as Nutrition Network and CABE’s Project 2Inspire. Visit the Parent Room if you wish to be a parent volunteer at WSMA, need translation, or agency referrals. 
 Q: Where is the Parent Center?
 A: The Parent Center is located in Room A111 (see School Map) and headed by OEB Community Assistant Mrs. Marcy Borough (626.396.5830 ext.76044)

Beginning of the year logistics

 Q: How are lockers distributed at the beginning of school?
A: Administration will make the lockers available the first few weeks of school. Parents must sign and return the PUSD’s Voluntary Locker Usage Contract. This form can be obtained from and returned to the Assistant Principal’s office or here Locker Contract. Once the form is returned, students then must purchase a school lock ($5). The lock can be used in subsequent years the child attends OEB. 
 Q: My child lost / damaged the lock to their locker, what do we do?
A: Contact the assistant principal’s office (626.396.5830 xt.76093) to purchase a new lock ($5). 
 Q: How do students register for elective classes?
 A: Students are asked to choose their electives in the spring. They will receive a welcome packet and OEB staff will place students in an elective class based on student choice, capacity, and scheduling of core classes.
Q: What if my child does not like his / her elective class?
A: Students that do not like their elective classes should see the school counselor in the counseling office. Depending on class capacity and schedule, a child may have their elective changed.

Monitoring your child’s progress

Q: What is the best way to contact a teacher with a concern about my child?
A: Email is best way to contact a teacher. Visit OEB’s website and click on the About Us tab and then Staff Directory. You can also call our school secretary (626.396.5830 ext. 76001) and ask to leave a message for the teacher. 
 Q: What is parent portal?
A: Parent portal is a great tool for tracking pertinent information about your child’s education. You can update your contact information, view your child’s attendance, view your child’s grades, and view your child’s missing assignments.
 Q: How do you get access to the parent portal?
A: Go to the Parent Room (Room 126) and talk with our Community Assistant (626.396.5830 ext.76044). Show her your ID and she will give you the access code. You need an e-mail address in order to access parent portal. 

 Getting involved

 Q: What is ELAC?
A: English Language Advisory Committee. The ELAC consists of parents of English Learners, school employees, community representatives and other parents interested and individuals who live within the school’s attendance zone. See ELAC page for more information.
Q: What parent classes are available?
A: OEB offers a variety of parent classes and workshops over the course of the school year. 
 Q: How do I join the PTSA?
A: To join the PTSA at OEB, visit our Main Office to obtain a PTSA envelope. Complete the information on the envelope and return it to our school secretary. You can also join PTSA through their website:

Quick guide - who to contact for what

 If I want to...  Contact...
Report my child’s absence Attendance Clerk (626.396.5830 ext.76093)
Discuss a concern specific to one of my child’s classes Your child’s teacher
E-mail teacher 
Get help with my child’s adjustment to middle school

School counselor (626.396.5830 ext.76028)

Get access to Parent Portal Community Assistant (626.396.5830 ext.76044)
Request that safety monitors focus on a particular location / time of day at the school Community Assistant (626.396.5830 ext.76044)
Enroll my child in LEARNS LEARNs Office (626) 396-5830 ext. 76049
Request to change my child’s class or teacher School Counselor (626.396.5830 ext.76028)
Leave a medication for my child at school School Nurse
Discuss disciplinary or safety concerns Assistant Principal
Ask a question but am not sure who to go to Community Assistant (626.396.5830 ext.76044)